Dolls made in Spain ❤︎

The Funny Surprises blog

  • Los Nadurines conocen al Ratoncito Pérez

    The Nadurines meet the Ratoncito Pérez

    They say that, in bad weather, a good face. And there is some reason in that because we can do little with the things that do not depend on us. However, there are many problems that do have a solution,...

  • Así se divierten los Nadurines durante la cuarentena

    This is how the Nadurines have fun during the quarantine

    How are you spending this quarantine? What we thought would only last a couple of weeks has ended up being extended to even more than 40 days! We know that the first days were It's very exciting not to have to...

  • Los Nadurines se quedan en casa contigo

    The Nadurines stay at home with you

    Hello, friends! How are you spending this quarantine at home? Are you enjoying the extra time you have to spend with your family? Do you really miss your friends and going out to play in the parks? Today I want to...

  • Los Nadurines caen dormidos por Morfeo. ¡Hay que hacer algo!

    The Nadurines fall asleep because of Morpheus. We have to do something!

    Morpheus is the god of sleep within Greek mythology and is often described as flapping its wings and flying quickly around the world. It seems that he has cast a spell on planet Earth, because the Nadurines have fallen asleep and there is...

  • Los Nadurines descubren la felicidad en las pequeñas cosas de la vida

    The Nadurines discover happiness in the small things in life

    They say that the best things in life are free, and if you stop to think about it, it really is. Material objects can entertain us and help us have a good time, but it is not possible to put...

  • ¡LLegan los hermanos de Neala y Darwin! Los Nadurines

    Neala and Darwin's brothers arrive! The Nadurines

    For quite some time now, Darwin and I, Neala, have been the main protagonists of this story. But it's time for you to meet our friends! They are also part of our mission to achieve reconnection with nature, so it...