Dolls made in Spain ❤︎

The Funny Surprises blog

  • Los Nadurines aprenden a plantar legumbres en el huerto

    The Nadurines learn to plant legumes in the garden

    With this mission that we have been entrusted with, we are always talking to you about the importance of the environment and its care. It's our house! However, it had been a long time since we had done activities being...

  • Crea tu propio disfraz de carnaval fácilmente

    Create your own carnival costume easily

    We recently left you some fun ideas for your costumes for the next carnival. But since this year we won't be able to celebrate it like in previous years, you might have fun making them with what you have at...

  • ¡Carnaval, carnaval! ¿De qué nos disfrazaremos esta vez?

    Carnival, carnival! What will we dress up as this time?

    After the Christmas holidays , another of the dates that we Nadurines like the most arrives, it's finally carnival ! Although it seems that this year we are going to have to spend it at home. But are we going...

  • ¡Hoy es el Día Internacional del Inventor! Darwin se pone manos a la obra

    Today is International Inventor's Day! Darwin gets to work

    On November 9th we have another date marked on the calendar, it is International Inventor's Day ! Or rather, the inventor, since it began to be celebrated in honor of the actress and inventor Hedy Lamarr , who created the...

  • Petra canta una canción para los Nadurines

    Petra sings a song for the Nadurines

    We like summer because it means sun, beach or pool and, above all, playing . But if you have heard the news, you will have also seen that, like everything, it also has a less pleasant side. And they are...

  • ¿Sabes cuál es la importancia de lavarse las manos?

    Do you know the importance of washing your hands?

    Surely you have heard at home a million times that you have to wash your hands . But having them stained with paint isn't so bad either! Well yes, although this is also true, we have to admit that Such a...