Hello, friends! How are you spending this quarantine at home? Are you enjoying the extra time you have to spend with your family? Do you really miss your friends and going out to play in the parks? Today I want to tell you something that maybe you didn't know how our story began...

How did it all begin

Do you remember when Darwin and I, Neala, started our mission a little over a year ago? The rest of the Nadurines They were not yet ready to accompany us, so We two were the first .

But before coming here with you, we had to spend many hours observing how humans behave on Earth. AND We did it from our house . And how hard it was sometimes! If Darwin's magic wand had worked, we would have asked for everything to happen quickly...


- Tell me Darwin.

- I think you left something out.

- Leave me? Are you playing pretend again, let's get dressed to go out?

- No... I mean you're forgetting an important little detail. My magic wand couldn't work precisely because the connection with the planet had been lost. So we had to watch for the wand, and the wand took us to the mission and the mission is to recover the power of the wand and the wand will work with the reconnection of the planet and the wand….

- Darwin! -Neala said, raising her voice a little. -I think it is clear to me, thank you.

Well, what we wanted to say is that Everything has a cause and a consequence . Something that we initially don't like can lead us to discover wonderful things. At the same time, things we think are harmless have serious consequences. And that's where our mission starts .

If human beings respected animal species and they were free, we would not have to fight against a virus that comes from bats. But how It is possible to see everything in a different way , we can also take advantage of this time to do what we like the most or discover other new hobbies.

What we can do inside and outside the home

Now that the rest of the Nadurines are with us, Darwin and I have more company. How nice it is when the whole family can spend time together! But we also have to recognize it, we want to enjoy the breeze in the parks again. Have you noticed how pollution has been reduced? Our actions have consequences!

Luckily, it seems we are on the right track. Do you know the road tunnels? Those very dark parts where you finally see the light? Well, something like that is what happens. If we continue doing things right, everything will return to how it should be . And I hope we also apply it to our habits with the environment!

So The Nadurines ask you from here to remember everything we have learned in all this time . The fun games you can do at home, the tricks to keep the planet clean and take care of it, the app and the videos what you have available and even how to wash our hands.

Remember that our mission is not over, nor is the time we must be home. Now more than ever we must do things right and only get closer to the people we already live with, that is, our families. We are heroes and heroines and we can achieve it!