Dolls made in Spain ❤︎

The Funny Surprises blog

  • ¿Sabías que existe el Día Internacional del Chocolate?

    Did you know that International Chocolate Day exists?

    Back to school is approaching, and although learning things and seeing our friends is fun, it is always a bit nostalgic when the vacations, the pool, and the whole days of playing are over. Therefore, today we want to talk...

  • ¡Los Nadurines celebran el Día Internacional del Elefante!

    Nadurines celebrate International Elephant Day!

    Today we come with good news: we celebrate another important date on the calendar! Specifically, August 12 is International Elephant Day . However, the situation that this animal is experiencing is not as good as it should be, so they...

  • ¿Sabías que existe el día internacional de la amistad?

    Did you know that International Friendship Day exists?

    Hello friends! We can now confirm that, after the inauguration on St. John's Day , we are already in the middle of summer. Are you enjoying it? We have another surprise prepared for you, and this month...we also celebrate another...

  • Nuestra amiga la cigüeña nos explica cómo trae a los bebés

    Our friend the stork explains to us how she brings babies

    When pleasant temperatures arrive and we see the sun shining again, the flowers begin to appear and show us their best colors and perfumes. But these are not the only ones that arrive with spring, babies in nature also do...

  • La noche de San Juan y los fuegos artificiales

    San Juan night and fireworks

    Every year June brings us the official arrival of summer, and to announce it, a few days later we celebrate a magical night: San Juan night! Although their origins are diverse, the use of bonfires continues today, since fire has...

  • Los Nadurines descubren qué es la energía renovable

    The Nadurines discover what renewable energy is

    One of our greatest challenges in this great mission we have to take care of the planet is to be responsible no matter what happens. Even if unforeseen events arrive, we cannot forget about the environment, since if it is...