Dolls made in Spain ❤︎

The Funny Surprises blog

  • ¿Sabías que estos son los 4 mejores disfraces de carnaval?

    Did you know that these are the 4 best carnival costumes?

    He carnival It is one of the perfect times of the year to make our imagination flourish . However, drawings, movies and video games also influence in the elections each year. We tell you what are the best carnival costumes of this year. The best carnival costumes...

  • Los Nadurines alegran el día más triste del mundo | Blue Monday

    The Nadurines brighten the saddest day in the world | Blue Monday

    Do you know what the so-called Blue Monday is? In case you don't speak English, it means sad Monday and this name is given to the third Monday in January, which for reasons that we will now tell you is...

  • Neala y Darwin conocen a los 3 Reyes Magos

    Neala and Darwin meet the 3 Wise Men

    Christmas has already passed, but There are still important dates in these holidays . In addition to our wishes for next year, we have one of the most anticipated nights pending. The visit of the 3 Wise Men is coming! Who are...

  • ¿Sabías que también existe la Mamá Noel?

    Did you know that Mother Christmas also exists?

    The Christmas always revolves around the figure of Santa Claus or Santa Claus, since he is in charge of Giving gifts away to boys and girls around the world. But did you know that Does Mother Christmas also exist ? Keep reading and we'll tell...

  • Neala y Darwin celebran el día mundial del niño junto a ti

    Neala and Darwin celebrate World Children's Day with you

    He world day of boys and girls It is an opportunity that the calendar brings us so that we are aware of how lucky we are. However, in any environment or country where we find ourselves, we always We are taken into account...

  • ¿Sabías que existe el día universal del niño?

    Did you know that Universal Children's Day exists?

    Although during our childhood we need our mother and father to survive, the boys and girls of the world also have our rights as people . To remember it and so that no one is left unaware of it around...