Dolls made in Spain ❤︎

The Funny Surprises blog

  • Descubre las ventajas de comprar muñecas online ➢ Los Nadurines

    Discover the advantages of buying dolls online ➢ Los Nadurines

    Are you considering buying dolls online? If so, stay and read this article, because we are going to explain the advantages and benefits of buying this type of toy online through our Fun Surprises store and, in addition, we are...

  • Las muñecas como herramienta de educación infantil

    Dolls as a child education tool

    Boys and girls develop as individuals through play. Through this, different areas of the brain are stimulated, creativity is increased and they come to understand the environment that surrounds them. But that, playing with dolls is not an activity whose...

  • 10 curiosidades de las muñecas Nadurines

    10 curiosities about Nadurines dolls

    If you follow the Nadurines on our YouTube channel or if you read us from the blog, you may know many details about them. But if you have arrived recently or you have missed some news, today we will tell...

  • ¡Los Nadurines vuelven al cole!

    The Nadurines are back to school!

    The Nadurines are back to school! September arrives and with it the return to school. But not only the boys and girls of the world go, so do the Nadurines ! We'll tell you how it has been and how...

  • Los beneficios de los canales de Youtube infantiles

    The benefits of children's YouTube channels

    The benefits of children's YouTube channels Current generations begin using the Internet from a very early age. If in our time we sat down to watch cartoons and programs for boys and girls on television, now the equivalent is children's...

  • Neala quiere preparar una fiesta para la entrada de la primavera

    Neala wants to prepare a party for the arrival of spring

    Good weather is finally here! If you look around you, you will have seen that there are already many butterflies, flowers and... mmmm, the smell of good weather. And the beginning of spring is here! This year it's Saturday, March...