Dolls made in Spain ❤︎

The Funny Surprises blog

  • Los Nadurines aprenden a ir en bicicleta

    The Nadurines learn to ride a bicycle

    April 19 is the World bicycle Day; a comfortable, free and also respectful means of transportation for our friend the Earth! Now that spring has begun and the good weather will soon arrive, we have decided to try something new for us...

  • Super Neala y Super Darwin contra el villano del carnaval

    Super Neala and Super Darwin against the carnival villain

    He Carnival It is a party in which we all want to have fun. Since it is once a year when we have the opportunity to dress up , it becomes a unique occasion that we cannot miss. There are so many people...

  • El superpoder de Santa Claus de viajar por todo el mundo en una noche

    Santa Claus's superpower of traveling around the world in one night

    If you remember what we told you last month, you will know that Each and every one of the people who inhabit the planet has some type of superpower . That is, some skill in which we stand out above the...

  • Todo niño tiene sus superpoderes | ¿Cuál es el tuyo?

    Every child has their superpowers | What's yours?

    Have you ever wondered why that girl in your class is so good at math? Or why is there another partner who is always the fastest in races? Well, it's because they, like you and us, Darwin and I, have Superpowers...

  • Neala y Darwin salvan a la calabaza Mafalda de la contaminación global

    Neala and Darwin save the pumpkin Mafalda from global pollution

    The Global pollution creates dirt in the air we breathe , and causes lack of rain, never-ending heat or the accumulation of plastic. All the species that live on the planet are affected , and on this occasion we have found the...

  • Neala y Darwin celebran el día de la Paz mundial

    Neala and Darwin celebrate World Peace Day

    Neala and Darwin celebrate World Peace Day In September we celebrate another date of great importance: World Peace Day. Specifically, on the 21st, a call is made throughout the world to reinforce our values ​​and help all countries live in...