With this mission that we have been entrusted with, we are always talking to you about the importance of the environment and its care. It's our house! However, it had been a long time since we had done activities being in contact with nature. And we are so excited! So it occurred to us Nadurines that we could plant legumes so that you can see up close how plants work. Would you like to try with us?

What plants teach us

The ideal, and what we would love, is to have a large and beautiful garden where we can plant all kinds of fruits and vegetables . Do you remember the power of plants ? What a great illusion it is to see how what you take care of every day grows! However, as we know that many of you live in apartments, or even if you are in a house you do not have a garden, we have an alternative to do our experiment of planting legumes.

But before explaining it to you, you have to know that in nature everything happens at its own pace . Therefore, their way of life is far from what humans currently have. In it, no matter how much you are in a hurry, it will not help you at all. Because? Well, for something very simple; What needs to happen will happen when it needs to happen. Have you gotten into trouble?

What it means is that our little plant will grow when its root is strong enough . Or if what you want is to see flowers, they will appear when the weather is right for them. It is a nice lesson that you can apply to your life.

If you are learning something, the results will not happen overnight, but it takes a little time (and above all patience!). So we recommend that you learn to control the frustration you feel and understand that our emotions will not make things go faster. We will only be nervous or sad!

How to plant legumes

And now that you know that the first thing you're going to need to plant legumes is a small dose of patience , we can start! What you will need is a small glass glass . It could be one of the ones you use to drink or those that yogurts sometimes come with. If the base is wide, the next step will be more comfortable.

When you have cleaned it well, we will take a piece of cotton and some legumes . For example, lentils, beans or chickpeas. But choose just one! The first ones are the simplest, so it is our recommendation.

You must moisten (not soak!) the cotton and place it at the bottom of the glass. In the center of the cotton you will place five or six lentils and we will leave them near a window where the light can shine . Here it is important that you see the difference between being in the sun and in the light. The direct rays of the sun would dry the cotton excessively; Therefore, it only needs to be a bright place.

Every day, you should check the condition of the cotton, and if it is dry, add a few drops of water so that it always remains moist. Whether you overdo it or your lentils are thirsty, the stems will not appear. Take it as a challenge!

If your experiment with planting legumes goes well, you should see results within a few days . When they grow, the lentils are said to have germinated. At that moment, they will be ready to go into a pot or take them to your garden if you have one.

Do you dare to plant your own legumes?