After the Christmas holidays , another of the dates that we Nadurines like the most arrives, it's finally carnival ! Although it seems that this year we are going to have to spend it at home. But are we going to stop dressing up for it? Of course not! If you want some new ideas to make it more fun, today we'll tell you what we came up with!

Original costumes for a different carnival

It takes a little while for humans to get used to changes and they are not great friends of the unexpected, but to us it seems like a e xcellent opportunity to use your imagination and look for alternatives . Life would be very boring if every year was exactly the same! So taking advantage of the peculiarity of the current times, here we leave you our ideas for the carnival costume . And if you like them, in the next few days we will tell you how you can create them from home.


The coronavirus costume seems like a great idea for this year, and if we could go out to the streets to experience the carnival, we are sure that we would see many like it. Although this little bug is not exactly funny, we can transform everything that has happened and take it with a little humor . Surely you have seen the drawing of the strain a thousand times, which is like a sun but with many horns and in green or blue. And don't forget to paint him a very evil face ! Or if you prefer, you can also be the hydroalcoholic gel that prevents it from spreading !

Medical staff

The costumes of great heroes and heroines are always the most sought after at carnival. And this year they have names and surnames! With all the work that has been done in the hospitals, they deserve recognition in style for what they are. So if you want to feel like a real lifesaver , you can dress up as a doctor or nursing staff. But you don't have to wear the mask at home too !


The medical staff has not been the only ones who have saved us, since the supermarkets have not stopped working during all this time either . We cannot forget those who replenish or charge us for purchases! Not working in medicine gives us the feeling that their work has less merit, but any profession has its value ! Take a look at the colors and type of clothes they wear where you shop with your family and imitate them.


This is a very common costume at any carnival, but we also want to rescue it this year. Since it is important that we all respect the rules in this new normal, they have had a lot of work to ensure that they are followed! This year is full of important people.


And we can't forget our teachers either! If you also had to adapt to having online classes, it will not be necessary for us to explain to you all the effort and work that was necessary to continue learning . And if it weren't for the education we received, we would miss out on a lot of interesting things.

We hope you liked our ideas! Can you think of others for this carnival?