Dolls made in Spain ❤︎

The Funny Surprises blog

  • Tu poder puede ser superior al poder de las plantas

    Your power may be greater than the power of plants

    Your power may be greater than the power of plants If you have read our latest Did you know You have discovered how important plants are for our survival and that of the rest of the animal species, right? The time has...

  • 3 Actividades para realizar en el bosque con los más pequeños

    3 Activities to do in the forest with the little ones

    3 Activities to do in the forest with the little ones The forest is a place where many animals live, so we must respect their home when we visit. You already know that the planet needs our help so that...

  • El poder de ayudar al planeta

    The power of helping the planet

    The power of helping the planet Planet Earth is this fantastic place in which we all live. It is like a great house that gives us shelter and gives us wonderful sunrises every day, a sun that warms us and...

  • Una Tierra más bonita

    A more beautiful Earth

    A more beautiful Earth - The power of the Earth Our planet, Earth, is our home and many species of living beings live there. Soil, which we also call earth, is made up of minerals and microorganisms that feed on...