Dolls made in Spain ❤︎
Las muñecas como herramienta de educación infantil

Dolls as a child education tool

Boys and girls develop as individuals through play. Through this, different areas of the brain are stimulated, creativity is increased and they come to understand the environment that surrounds them. But that, playing with dolls is not an activity whose sole purpose is entertainment, but rather they have a whole purpose within early childhood education .

Play as a principle of childhood education

In order to move from childhood to adulthood as functional people, it is necessary to receive adequate childhood education. The game must follow an order and have a specific meaning , since this will be the guide for learning. Therefore, when choosing the ideal doll or game, you have to think about your age or abilities . It must be taken into account that this method is more effective than simple formal instructions, which can hinder the minor's understanding and development.

If we look at any boy or girl, even other species, we will see that their main occupation is play. Because? Because even if it is at an unconscious level, it allows the development of brain areas such as psychomotor, cognitive and affective-social areas.

Playing always has a meaning and evolves based on personal experiences and needs. And since verbal communication is still limited, they are an instrument to express desires, fears, fantasies or problems in a symbolic way . But if we focus on dolls, what purpose do they pursue within children's education?

Stimulation of the senses

The dolls are made in bright colors and wear clothes with different textures , as well as a multitude of accessories to enrich the game. All of these elements manage to stimulate some senses in boys and girls, such as touch or sight.

Enrichment of creativity and imagination

With the dolls, everyday stories are recreated, such as the activities that children do every day, whether showering, dressing, eating or sleeping. But they can also develop their own fantasies, by creating different scenarios and adventures that they have to face.

Facilitates the memory of what has been learned

As we have indicated, toys should be appropriate to one's age, and dolls are no exception. With them you can also memorize information, remember what you have already learned, such as personal hygiene or the procedure related to motor activity, such as dressing or using cutlery.

Social skills

Even when play is done unaccompanied, dolls are part of children's education regarding cooperation or negotiation . Generally, several characters are used who dialogue with each other or who face different situations, as is the case of the Nadurines and the activities they propose.

Since each one takes a role and there is a distribution of tasks or roles, boys and girls learn to develop their social skills, which will be of great help to them in adult life. In addition, socio-affective bonds are created, which in turn stimulate empathy or the feeling of belonging to a group.

If you want to delve deeper into the impact of dolls on children's education, we invite you to visit the Fun Surprises YouTube channel and our blog. In both we offer you a multitude of activities to stimulate the little ones, but we also include the environment for a more responsible education.


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