Dolls made in Spain ❤︎

The Funny Surprises blog

  • Los Nadurines se van de viaje en tortugas marinas

    The Nadurines go on a trip on sea turtles

    It had been a long time since we had enjoyed the experience of traveling. You already know that our obligations and responsibilities also take up most of our days and sometimes we forget how good it feels to get away...

  • Hoy les toca a los Toris hacer la comida para los Nadurines

    Today it is the Toris' turn to make food for the Nadurines

    We are used to the fact that the older ones are always the ones who take care of the younger ones. Therefore, our father and mother are the ones who prepare the food at home. We the Nadurines We usually take care...

  • 3 manualidades para niños para el regalo del Día de la Madre

    3 crafts for children for Mother's Day gifts

    Like every year, the first Sunday of the month of May is celebrated Mother's Day . If it is already a very special date for everyone, this year it is even more so, since the plans to celebrate it will be...

  • 5 consejos para inventarse juegos en casa

    5 tips for inventing games at home

    Even those who greatly enjoy spending time at home can become bored when it becomes excessive. If you have already taken out all the toys they had in the closets and you have run out of ideas, we leave you...

  • 5 juegos para niños que hacer en casa | Diviértete jugando

    5 games for children to do at home | have fun playing

    Going outside to play has its advantages, we are not going to deny it. But if we have to stay home, There are also a lot of things we can do to not get bored! We leave you some games for you to...

  • 3 juegos para niños que hacer en el bosque

    3 games for children to do in the forest

    It has been proven that being in contact with nature relieves both our physical discomfort and the way we feel. Aren't you relieved to go out and play in the park after spending hours at school? And why do you...