Like every year, the first Sunday of the month of May is celebrated Mother's Day . If it is already a very special date for everyone, this year it is even more so, since the plans to celebrate it will be mainly at home. But if we think about it, that also has an advantage, and that is that we have plenty of time to create special gifts. We leave you three crafts for boys and girls very easy to do.

3 crafts for boys and girls to give to our mother

Since the stores are closed, the resources we can count on are somewhat more limited. However, we can almost safely say that we have become experts in taking advantage of everything we have at home . Therefore, if you see that you are missing something for your Mother's Day gift , you just have to look for an alternative. Let's do it!

A very special bouquet of flowers

Now that we are in spring and humans spend a lot of time at home, we have seen how nature is reborn. So it's not so bad that we let real flowers fill parks and gardens with color. With paper we can also create a colorful bouquet!

If you have cardboard or colored paper , you will only need ice cream sticks and chopsticks, markers, scissors, glue and tape . If you don't have cardboard, you can paint a piece of paper yourself, and if you see that you don't have sticks either, when you go for a walk try to find a broken branch that is straight; That will make your flowers look more real.

What do we do now? The first thing is to put our hand on the paper or cardboard and draw the outline. We will cut it and fold it without pressing our fingers so that they look like petals . We will paint one end of the toothpick or branch yellow, and the bottom part green.

To finish, we will glue the toothpick to the inside of the thumb and roll the rest of the hand. With the tape we will tighten the bottom part so that it does not open. If we use different cardboard we will achieve a bouquet full of color.

A personalized t-shirt

If you have gotten used to being in clothes to walk around the house, It's time to choose something different ! Another craft for boys and girls that you can make is a personalized t-shirt. What do we need? Well, a t-shirt, preferably not very new and not mom's favorite, paints that can be used for fabric, and cords or thread.

Roll up the t-shirt and tie the rope around it however you prefer. You can paint each section one color. A very striking design is the spiral , which is achieved by placing a finger in the center of the shirt and giving it that shape from there. When we have it, we will place the rope to separate the sections again as we like and we will paint. The more sections, the more colorful! Don't forget to let it dry.

Photo frames or jewelry boxes

If you've gone out to throw away trash and recycling, you'll have noticed all the cardboard we throw away. Do you know how many things we can create with it? Photo frames are just one example of them, and as crafts for boys and girls, they are very easy to make. Cut a rectangle and eliminate the inside, leaving the thickness you want to decorate it and put it over your favorite photo with your mother.

Also, you can take a cardboard container and reinforce its base by gluing another piece to create a jewelry box . Trim the top along the sides so it can open like a lid. And so that it can be closed, make a hole in the center on the front and another on the front. With a long ribbon that you will insert through both, you will be able to close it again easily. To decorate it you can use pieces of fabric, bows, paper, cardboard, ribbons and anything you can think of.

And you, do you already know what to give mom for her day?