Dolls made in Spain ❤︎

The Funny Surprises blog

  • ¿Conoces el cuento de la liebre y la tortuga? ¡Neala te lo cuenta!

    Do you know the story of the hare and the tortoise? Neala tells you!

    The tale or, rather, the fable of the hare and the tortoise is a story believed to have been written by Aesop . A gentleman from ancient Greece who liked to write short stories with a moral at the end....

  • ¡Feliz Halloween! Darwin cuenta una misteriosa historia a los Nadurines

    Happy Halloween! Darwin tells a mysterious story to the Nadurines

    Uuuuuuh! The night of ghosts and terror is approaching! Like every year, Halloween returns , celebrated on the last day of the month of October. Since this fall it seems that we will continue to spend a lot of time...

  • ¿Conoces el cuento de La Ratita Presumida? ¡Petra te lo cuenta!

    Do you know the story of The Presumed Rat? Petra tells you!

    Now that you are surely getting into the rhythm of the new course, I want to tell you a story that will help you develop your own opinion about what you learn . Do you remember that we have always...

  • La princesa de la lluvia

    The rain princess

    A total of nine children had gathered at Elisenda's house today, because in addition to her and her three brothers, two neighbors and the children of two sets of friends of her parents had also gone. Some had a daughter...

  • Nuestra amiga la Naturleza

    Our friend Nature

    Once upon a time, a long time ago, there was a planet full of color in which animals and men were very friends. They talked and always reached an agreement. Men cared for and respected nature; They planted trees, they...