Dolls made in Spain ❤︎

The Funny Surprises blog

  • El mejor regalo para niñas y niños este 2022

    The best gift for girls and boys this 2022

    We have the habit of giving gifts on the dates dictated by the calendar. But why wait for them? Toys should not be conceived as a whim, but rather they are the tool that allows learning during childhood. At Fun...

  • Nombres chulos para muñecas ⭐︎

    Cool names for dolls ⭐︎

    Do you have your collection of friends at home, but don't know what you can call them? Just like pets, sometimes we run out of ideas. And it can be so frustrating! For this reason, we thought that perhaps you...

  • Las muñecas no son solo para niñas

    Dolls are not just for girls

    A simple glance at any shelf in a toy store is enough to observe the obvious differences between toys intended for boys and girls. Pink or blue and care or action. Although we tend to believe that it is the...

  • ¿Por qué es mejor comprar muñecas online para Navidad?

    Why is it better to buy dolls online for Christmas?

    Christmas is just around the corner, and it is not only noticeable in the Christmas decorations and street lighting, but also in the fact that the crowds are beginning to appear on the streets. For this year, from Fun Surprises...

  • 5 planes originales para hacer en familia esta Navidad

    5 original plans to do as a family this Christmas

    The dates indicated on the calendar are those that make us aware of how time passes. And although I'm sure you already know, Christmas is right around the corner again! The decoration in the streets, the letter to Santa Claus,...

  • Todo lo que necesitas para la vuelta al cole

    Everything you need for back to school

    Everything you need for back to school Going back to school involves resuming routine, educational habits and, generally, reducing recreational activities. But before we get ahead of what the next school year will be like, do you already know everything...