What to give as a gift for boys and girls in 2022?
Nadurines Dolls

If you don't know them, today is the time to do so! The Nadurines are dolls that carry with them a very important educational message today. Their mission on planet Earth, which you can learn about in depth in the story of the Nadurines , is to help human beings reconnect with it so that they can take care of it properly , both the vegetation and all animal species.
They started out as dolls with a traditional appearance, but in their most current version they have a very pretty image that is faithful to their cartoons. There are four of them: Neala, Malik, Petra and Nil, and each of them has their Tori; something like his assistants.
They propose an infinite number of activities to do at home as a family, they are committed to creativity and, of course, respect for the environment . Hence, the boxes in which they are shipped do not contain as much plastic as possible and are reusable. On the YouTube channel you can learn more about them.
reborn boxes

Reborn dolls have become fashionable, so they are also an interesting gift proposal for boys and girls in 2022. These are handmade dolls, whose features closely resemble those of real babies. Hence they are called realists. Their price is higher than average, precisely because they are created and painted by hand. They are a real gem of a collector's item!
As for reborn boxes , at Fun Surprises we create them because they have many advantages over purchasing them individually . We prepare them personally and add clothes and various accessories for the dolls. They are an excellent gift for boys and girls because they improve motor skills and teach empathy towards other people.
Stories for gender equality

Times change and girls no longer always want to be princesses nor do boys always want to be superheroes . Let them choose what they want to be without judging them! Experimenting is essential at an early age to form their personality and we should not draw hasty conclusions that not even they themselves will be able to understand.
For this reason, we propose as a gift for boys and girls in 2022 stories that are committed to gender equality . That is, both men and women are treated in the same way and specific patterns are not followed based on their sex. Here you can find some interesting proposals !
We invite you to visit our store and discover the number of interesting toys we have that are fantastic gifts for boys and girls this year.