Everything you need for back to school


Going back to school involves resuming routine, educational habits and, generally, reducing recreational activities. But before we get ahead of what the next school year will be like, do you already know everything you need to have so that nothing is missing in class? Today we help you with your backpack!

What do we need for back to school?

The excitement of starting a new course and seeing friends again, the nerves at home due to the change in the organization or the rush because you had already lost the habit are normal on the first days of school. However, something that is also very common is forgetting some of the things that boys and girls will need at school.

Just in case, and to serve as a review at home, at Fun Surprises we have prepared a list with everything that cannot be missing. We hope it helps you!


It's no use thinking about what to put in your back-to-school backpack if you're still missing this one. The first decision is to choose between those with wheels or those that go on the back . As long as the weight is not excessively high, the latter are much more practical , since it is possible to run and jump with them.

Depending on the age and subjects that the boy or girl has, there may already be many books that he or she has to carry each day. In these circumstances, then it is best to opt for stroller ones so as not to overload your back.

Books and school supplies

We assume that you will already have the necessary textbooks, but the school material is much broader and depends on the instructions they give you in the first days of class. However, some things are not missing any year, such as pens, coloring pencils, sheets of paper, cardboard, scissors and a long etcetera.

This year we help you decorate the folders and notebooks with the Nadurines stickers . If you go to our store , you will see that when you place an order you will automatically receive them with it. Don't wait and check out our items before they are sold out!

Mask and gel

We have finished another summer, but it seems that we must continue using protective and hygiene measures. That means masks and hydroalcoholic gel are essential !

You will have to buy the latter at the pharmacy or supermarket, but in our store you can get exclusive masks , both fabric and filter masks. They all have super fun prints !

Food accessories

And since going back to school requires extra energy, you can't miss a snack! To protect the environment, avoid single-use plastic bottles and buy a reusable metal bottle. And for the sandwich or fruit, you can use the container containers.

Now you have everything you need to start going back to school with everything you will need. Until next time!