¿Cómo comprar bebés reborn originales?

How to buy original reborn babies?

It is likely that if you are reading this it is because you have begun to be interested in the art of reborn dolls or babies and you want to buy an original reborn baby or something close to them. But how can we identify a quality reborn baby or, even better, identify the fakes? They are becoming more common!

We will respond to this in this article, so that you avoid falling into possible scams or mediocre products. And so, of course, have an original reborn doll or baby that fits your budget.

Cheap reborn babies: do they exist?

Original Reborn Baby

In reality, there are no authentic reborn babies for less than €300 . What can you get then below this price? Reborn dolls or "realistic dolls". Although a priori all these terms are used interchangeably, in reality there is a clear difference between such concepts, that is:

  • Reborn baby: this is the artistic work that aims to resemble a real baby as much as possible. They are not called normal dolls because they are not usually suitable for games and children. Instead, its use is more for collection and for a game that precisely imitates the care of a real baby. They create artisanal artists one by one.

  • Reborn doll: these are the options that exist between €70 and €300. They are dolls with reborn characteristics, such as weight, paint details and expression . They are usually made in factories in a more industrial and therefore less artistic way. And, of course, they are less delicate and are suitable for little ones since the materials used are the same as in dolls.

So why is the label "reborn baby" used to refer to reborn dolls? It is mainly a matter of marketing, but in any case, just because reborn dolls are less realistic does not mean that they are mediocre.

In reality, we can find reborn dolls of good quality and at more affordable prices. And to do this, in reality, we only have to pay attention to that:

  • Be a local product. And therefore, with European certification. Companies like Antonio Juan or Muñecas Guca have excellent options for less than €200 in their catalog (and you can also buy them in our store!

And this implies, therefore, that We should not buy reborn dolls from other countries, such as China . We know that pages like Kiki Reborn or Aliexpress seem to offer more promising options at better prices (even below €70!) but it is simply deceptive Because?

"Reborn" scams: what do they consist of?

Núria de Nadur has dedicated several videos exposing the dense world of reborn dolls and babies created in China. The trick behind this dynamic is that they persuade with very low prices, from €100 to €60, and the product photographs look very attractive, of reborn babies that look like those that would be worth €800. A bargain or a scam? What's behind this?

  • The photographs do not correspond to the product . These sellers often take, without permission, images of original reborn artists and upload them as their own. Sometimes this can be so obvious that it is enough to "Google image" to realize that the image has been stolen.

  • Shipping is slow and expensive. Let's imagine that we buy one of these dolls for €70, but shipping costs can be up to €40. That is, it even costs us more financially! These pages promise 14 day shipping but it can take a month and even two months to get the doll to us.

  • More plagiarism. Not only does it happen that they steal photographs of other products of reborn babies and dolls, but they also reproduce without permission the molds and models of such works by reborn artists to imitate them in a mediocre way.

Does it seem like little? And that's not the worst! In reality, if we highlight the importance of buying local because it is more honest and cheaper, it is also because we have the guarantee of obtaining a product with European certification.

And the thing is that like Kiki Reborn, Aliexpress or other sites of this style work with China, where there are other laws that regulate manufacturing, which are less favorable to the environment and children. You would not be able to report them for sending you a fraudulent or dangerous product because the Chinese regulation is outside the scope of Spanish and European laws. But why can it be dangerous?

  • Because you don't know what materials the reborn doll was created with. They may be among the most polluting on the market and may be toxic for boys and girls.

So really: there's no excuse to support local talent! And as you see, by buying these products from abroad, you would be supporting an industry that violates copyright, care for the environment, etc.

How do I know I'm buying something quality?

How reborn babies are born

Always investigate the pages where you see the babies or reborn dolls that attract you, many people comment on forums about their bad experiences with Amazon and other websites with these fraudulent products.

Also, do the same with the local market! This way you will realize the experience that a reborn artist has, what references reborn doll factories like Antonio Juan have, etc. Verify that there is European certification and/or certificate of authenticity.

  • Investigate the social networks of the reborn artist. What comments do you have? Do you use pirated molds or are they the originals? How much experience do you have?
  • Visit a “doll show”. Small reborn doll fairs with presence throughout Spain. Maybe there will be one coming soon near where you live!

And so, avoid as much as possible:

  • Amazon, Aliexpress
  • Kiki Reborn
  • eBay, Etsy (unless you find solid references for a certain artist's work)
  • Novice or unprofessional reborn artists: when a reborn baby seems very cheap, it may be because the artist does not pay taxes or cannot earn anything for her work.

Any more advice? Not really, but you can learn more about this topic on the YouTube channel of Núria , Little Prince Reborn and Ada Sweet . Along with Coco Reborn, these artists are the ones we can recommend the most when buying a reborn baby. And we insist: investigate! It is much better to be safe than sorry.


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