The best toy for this Christmas
At Fun Surprises we have a wide collection of toys for children and among them is our original product and manufactured in Spain , The Nadurines.
Why can these dolls be a big present for this Christmas? They are irresistible! And we don't say it - although we also say it -, it's what you can see by looking at the comments they leave us in Google reviews, our networks and YouTube channels.
But wait, let's go in parts, What is so special about the Nadurines? What makes them so distinctive and ideal for this Christmas season? Well, we will explain that to you below, in detail. Know their history, their values and other characteristics that make them so attractive. Starting with the…
Benefits of playing with Nadurines
We have commented in other posts about how important the game is in boys and girls and how, especially with dolls, we help them to relate little by little to their environment, thus learning essential socialization skills, or values such as love and respect. That is, playing with dolls regularly involves:
- Nurture the imagination: it is not only about having fun but through imagination boys and girls begin to understand the world from their perspective.
- Likewise, making the boy or girl someone sociable and with ideal motor growth, for example.
Now how does this become even more evident with the Nadurines? It's simple, because the Nadurines are not simple dolls, they tell a story full of values! And it is a fantastic story with a great message for our days: caring for the environment. Shouldn't it be a more important value for Christmas and all year round?
Of course! And there we took the initiative. As?
- The Nadurins are magical beings from the Island of Nadur: they are sons and daughters of a natural element (such as water or earth) and their job is to take care of these elements.
- However, be careful! The situation is that the Nadurines have lost their powers because of humans who have abandoned respect for nature... Thus, through video games, channels and others we intend to build dynamics and stories where the little ones actively participate, translating into hours of learning and fun.
And the values of the Nadurines highlight the importance of taking care of the planet and animals. This is very relevant to us because we know that the climate crisis is there because, among other reasons, we could not have been aware before! and the whole thing can really worry us a lot.
As mothers/fathers, we have the responsibility to cope with this feeling in the best way possible and also lead a more ecological life. And above all, it is our duty to transmit these values to our little ones: that, with an approach that is attractive and enjoyable for them.
- Think: how can we get children to relate to this worrying reality in an introductory, enjoyable and adapted way for their world? Through the game! Imagination and curiosity do the rest. The children are very smart.
Does the concept " greenwashing " sound familiar to you? Here you may wonder that the message we convey is powerful but… How friendly to the planet is our product? per se ?
They are eco-friendly dolls
At Christmas we consume a lot and having a carbon footprint below the ideal can be difficult for us.
So with the desire to transmit our philosophy in actions we had a fascinating idea: what if the boxes where the Nadurines come were reusable?
That's why each box has a roof and a bed! And all this without plastic. The secret? We have only used cardboard waste to build these houses, which also have a perfect design for boys and girls to paint, color and personalize the box as they wish. Each box comes with a nadurín, his stuffed tori and ecological markers recycled plastic.
This means you don't actually have to throw away anything in it. But if you like, you know: everything is recyclable! And that's not all:
- Each box has one of the 4 seasons of the year according to the Nadurín.
- There is a QR code to download the Nadurines app and help videos instructions for using the box .
- All dolls are made of high quality vinyl.
Nadurines: characteristics in depth
Now that you know this, you may be wondering, how many Nadurines are there and what are they like?
- Neala, daughter of the earth and the first to be born of all the Nadurins. Always curious and kind. His tori is Darwin, a cuddly hamster.
- Nil, son of water. The most introverted of the group, he loves the color blue and has a tori named Marie. It's a female octopus.
- Petra, daughter of fire. Very energetic and curious, she loves the color red and orange. His tori is called Edison and he only eats chocolate.
- Malik, son of the wind, sleepy and funny at the same time. Sally is his tori, a bee who is a living encyclopedia.
Have you thought that the appearance of the Nadurines is reminiscent of fantasy manga or anime? The story we have developed has extensive inspiration from Japanese animation and the fantasy genre, which, if you look closely, is full of protest messages! The design borrows from anime, although that wasn't always the case.
If you've known the Nadurines for a while, you'll know that they had a recent redesign that makes them look like they really are. They used to look like average dolls!
That is, if you look closely, the body of the dolls today is completely different from the standard, a little smaller and with a larger head. The eyes are painted and are as in the original illustrations.
- Several protagonists of fantastic stories have their " toris ": animals or artifacts that give them the power or wisdom they need. The moral of this literary device is that there are elements that need each other to live healthily. It is something very deep. For example, ask yourself: what would we be without animals or the ecosystem?
- In the Nadurines there are no gender stereotypes: Nil likes to wear makeup and we always understand that dolls, like Neala and Petra, can be used by children and even adults. No problems with that!
- So Nadurins are different, they embrace their authenticity and accept it. And that, without a doubt, is another nice message to remember at Christmas.
But the history and characteristics of the Nadurines and the Island of Nadur, The Wise Bird and more do not end here, as we show on their official channel. Youtube and of the store .