Do you know why Rudolph's nose is red?
Do you know why Rudolph's nose is red?
It's almost time for Santa Claus to visit us and surprise us with the gifts he has prepared for us. A very hard job that he could not do if it were not for the help of his reindeer, and especially one of them, Rudolph. You probably know who we are talking about, since his own face gives him away. But do you know the reason why Rudolph's nose is red?
Who is Rudolph?
First of all, let's start at the beginning. Perhaps we have rushed a little and assumed that you know all of Santa's friends. No problem. Darwin and I, Neala, are here to explain everything you need to know.
Santa Claus, or Santa Claus as he is also known in some parts of the planet, would not be able to deliver gifts to every house if he had to do all the work himself. For this reason, he has a team of helpers who make the task easier: the reindeer.
But among all of them, there is one who is different from the others, and for that reason, he is the one who acts as a guide: Rudolph. And why is it different from other reindeer? Well, because Rudolph's nose is red, and the light he can emit with it is so strong that it manages to guide others to the homes of the world.
Why is Rudolph's nose red?
Reindeer, like any other species, have their specific characteristics. All of them respond to an adaptation to the environment, that is, over the years their bodies have been modified to be able to live better.
So that you understand it better, it is something similar to what happens to humans with our skin. Those people who live in places with a lot of sun tend to have darker skin, while those who live in cold areas have lighter skin. The skin adapts to the climate to protect itself and live better.
Something like this happens with Rudolph's nose. Since your home is located in the arctic areas, that is, very cold, it helps you regulate your body temperature and maintain good blood circulation in your body. But not only this, Rudolph's nose had a much more important mission.
Do you already know which one it is? Of course yes! That of illuminating the sky so that the flying reindeer could see the road. Rudolph's nose is what allows us to spread enthusiasm. And do you also know who has a similar sparkle? Correct! The Toris. Except for our friend Darwin, who due to the lack of care that humans feel for the Earth, has lost his power to illuminate with magic.
A mission like Rudolph's nose
The Christmas holidays are related to good actions, although we must carry them out any day of the year. But in order not to break good customs, what better time than these dates to help Darwin just as Rudolph's nose does?
Remember that gifts do not only have to consist of material objects, therefore, we can also give affection, love, friendship, company and care. And all this is what our planet Earth needs for everything to return to normal.
If you want to have a mission as important as Rudolph's nose, now is the time! Help other people and animals when you can and share the knowledge you have learned to respect and care for our mother nature. Your energy can shine as bright as Rudolph's nose!