Santa Claus is sad at Christmas
Santa Claus is sad at Christmas
You can feel in the air that winter is getting closer. The temperatures have dropped and we have already had to take our coats out of the closet to keep from getting cold. But that's not all... The streets begin to light up, and not only because the days are now shorter. Christmas and Santa Claus are on the way too!
Somewhere in Lapland, Santa Claus, the father of Christmas, knows that the night is approaching when millions of boys and girls from all over the world are waiting for him to receive their well-deserved gifts. However, amid so much request, Santa Claus is not as excited as he should be. He tries to concentrate on distributing the work among all his assistants, but there is something that worries him and does not allow him to think.
The clock kept ticking and poor Santa Claus didn't know what to do. So he decided to ask the Nadurines for help and tell them his problem. He had heard that they were caretakers of the planet and thought that perhaps they could help him. Neala and Darwin received a special call, and although they didn't know what it was about, they decided to go. If someone who made so many boys and girls happy needed help, they couldn't refuse.
Although it took them a little while to find the place, Rudolph's red nose showed them the way to Santa Claus's door. There they found him sitting on his couch in tears, so without hesitation they approached him to ask him why he was so sad. Santa Claus didn't know Neala and Darwin personally, but he felt he could trust them...
-What's wrong with you, Santa Claus? Why are you so sad? -Neala said-. We have been told that at Christmas all the boys and girls on the planet are looking out for you, why doesn't that make you excited anymore?
"It's not about that, Neala," said Santa Claus. To prepare for Christmas, many families are using real fir trees to make their trees, and cutting them down does a lot of damage to this planet that we must take care of...
Neala and Darwin looked at each other in surprise, since not knowing what Christmas is, they didn't know this was happening. -We have many detectives who inform us, and you have just become one of them, Santa Claus! -Neala said-. Don't worry, we'll tell them what's wrong and we'll find a solution!
And so, Neala and Darwin got to work and began to create new trees made with paper and pieces of fabric, and distribute them among the boys and girls they knew so that the word would spread in their homes. While cutting down trees to satisfy human customs is not sustainable for the planet, neither are the plastic alternatives we find in supermarkets. These are manufactured with petroleum derivatives and are, like everything that contains plastic, very harmful.
Therefore, we must use our imagination and create other designs to show Santa Claus when he comes home! If you use fabric, you just have to cut two tree-shaped pieces of the size you want, fill them with cotton or foam and sew the edges.
And if you use cardboard, cut two triangles with a slit in the middle at the bottom. This space will help you fit the two pieces together so that they stand upright. Also, if you already have plants at home, you can try decorating them. Who says only one fir tree is worth Christmas?
There are already many houses that have begun to replace fir trees with other crafts. And Santa Claus also really liked our ideas to avoid cutting down fir trees. And you, did you like them? What other ideas can you think of to decorate your house for Christmas?