Crafts to give as a gift to the invisible friend as a family
Crafts to give as a gift to the invisible friend as a family
Christmas is not just a time when we can spend more time at home. It is also the perfect time to develop our creativity and discover new games. So today we are going to learn how to make crafts that we will use to give as a gift to the invisible friend as a family. Let no one be left without their gift!
Why play invisible friend as a family?
When we play invisible friend we have the opportunity to give a totally unexpected gift to someone around us. This allows us to put our imagination to work and create fun goals. In addition to being decorative, we can make them practical, that is, have some use.
Playing invisible friend as a family also allows us to use resources we have at home. As you have probably observed in your environment, we use a huge amount of plastics every day. However, this material is very toxic to the environment. Therefore, we must use alternatives that take care of our planet, such as glass or fabric.
To play invisible friend as a family we don't need anything in particular. Only what you see that can be used for your own creations. Darwin has come up with some ideas and we want to tell you about them so you can have a great time too. But remember that our occurrences should not limit you. I am sure that you too can create very interesting crafts for the invisible friend as a family. Let's do it!
What crafts can we do?
Create characters with old clothes
Since you're still growing, you probably have clothes at home that you no longer wear. If they no longer work for your brothers or sisters and have become a little damaged, we can use them for the invisible friend as a family. Just in case, ask mom or dad first if it's a good time to give them a new use. You can also use those socks that have lost their partner and that no one knows what to do with.
With scraps of clothing we can create fabric characters that resemble our relatives. To make them padded we can fill a sock with cotton or pieces of fabric. We can also cut out two identical pieces and sew them, and then fill them and glue the other decorations on top. Pieces of wool, gift ribbons, lost buttons and even lentils can be used for our designs. The more original you are with the materials, the more fun it will be!
Ornaments for the house
If you prefer to have more freedom for invisible friend crafts as a family, you can also search for resources and make your own creations. For example, with the cardboard that comes inside toilet paper or shoe boxes, we can create an infinite number of varied shapes that decorate our home. Felt is another resource, especially if we find it in different colors. Imagine butterflies flying through the walls of your house!
Maybe it's a good idea to know what animal, insect or flower your family likes and make your version. The invisible friend in the family is the ideal occasion to give a personalized gift that can later be used.
Second life for plastic
As we told you, plastic is very toxic, but it is difficult to completely eliminate it from the home. What we can do is give a second life to those products that we have with the invisible friend as a family. Thus, we can cut the shampoo or body wash containers in half in the shape we like best.
If we make a hole at the top, it will help us hang it on the wall. There we can store necklaces, clothespins or the bath sponge. Decorate the containers as you like and let each person use them for what they prefer.
Play Secret Santa as a family and enjoy spending time with your loved ones! Let the ideas flow and surprise with these unique and fun gifts!