What message do the dolls convey?
Evolution of dolls: from family to fashion
If we observe any girl or boy playing with dolls, we will realize that in most cases, the activity does not focus on the accessories they bring, but on the world they can recreate with their imagination. Hence, when men wear dresses and heels, there is no need to give it much importance, since for them they are simple objects that allow them to explore with their minds.However, although in childhood the imagination is not entirely conditioned by the environment, thinking is gradually shaped according to the message that the dolls transmit . Decades ago, the theme revolved around family care, which is why toys for girls were always babies and cribs, kitchens and cleaning carts.
As the years have passed and the formation of the family has been postponed to the limit for various reasons, the message of the dolls has also adapted . Now, girls are pressured to grow up as soon as possible and look like adult women. Funny that upon reaching adulthood, we are pressured to look younger and younger.
Nowadays, if we return to dolls, aesthetics, image care and fashion are the main themes . These make girls focus their attention on the perception that others have of them, and leave aside other more relevant aspects , such as sports or their future professional development.
What kind of dolls do we want for girls?
As we have already mentioned on other occasions, playing with dolls has various benefits . What we must pay attention to is the message they transmit and bet on dolls with values, that urge girls to have an active attitude in society, that propose activities and not just a pretty face and that position them as leaders.And what dolls are these? Anyone who shows professions attributed to men , such as scientist, pilot, doctor or astronaut, among others; those that seek to awaken empathy and care beyond the family, such as the Nadurines , which focus on the environment and animal species, or those whose accessories or activity proposals encourage creative and critical thinking , and they move away from makeup or fashion with the sole purpose of looking attractive.
At Fun Surprises we bet on dolls that move away from the standard and that focus on transmitting values, such as the responsibility that each person has for their actions , since these affect others, including the planet and the other species that inhabit it. The Nadurines show a similar aesthetic for themselves and propose activities that do not distinguish by sex. If you want to learn more about them, visit our online store or follow their adventures through the blog articles or the YouTube channel .