The power of happiness and excitement in the little ones
The power of happiness and excitement in the little ones
When Christmas approaches, the world seems to become a different place. However, the desire to have material things should not transform our reality. The planet suffers when we focus on what we have and forget about the nature that surrounds us. Thanks to the power of happiness, you, boys and girls, can make the Earth smile this Christmas too.
Whats happening in the planet
Since Neala and I, Darwin, left our island to carry out our mission, we have realized many things. As I assume you remember, since humans no longer care about the planet as they should, I no longer even have my power to care for nature.
Believe it or not, everything on Earth is related. The actions that some have affect the rest of us, and the opposite also happens. It is, for this reason, that the disconnection of adults with what surrounds them has ended up affecting me. But luckily, all is not lost, since as long as there are boys and girls, we can continue using your power of happiness and excitement.
When people reach a certain age, they make the decision to stop playing and spend almost all their time working, thus losing the power of happiness. The world of adults is full of responsibilities, and they end up immersed in their routines until they are completely exhausted. However, the power of the happiness of boys and girls is capable of making anyone smile, and together we can also recover the hope for the Earth to be a different place.
How to use the power of happiness
There is nothing more beautiful in the world than seeing you, the little ones, smile. And adults know that, so you must use your power of happiness to change the planet. It is also a great responsibility, but all you have to do is maintain the enthusiasm. Something that is very easy to achieve at this time of year.
During Christmas, humans worry about their surroundings and try to be better people. It is therefore time to teach them how they can also take care of the planet! They say that everything we enjoy most is free, like hugs, kisses or the time we spend together playing. Toys are also fun, although the material is not the most important thing. Let's teach them the importance of the power of happiness.
But there is something else that also costs nothing, and that is respect for the environment! This Christmas, remember that cutting down fir trees for trees or even those made from plastics is very harmful to the planet. Also, collecting many toys, which also come with elaborate packaging, harms nature's resources, which are sometimes scarce.

With the power of happiness we don't need much to be happy. Take advantage of the time you are at home during the holidays to create your own Christmas decorations with your family and to make new toys with the resources you have at home. You will have a great time and the planet will thank you. And if we keep up the hope, maybe I can get my power back too!