Únete al reto de la hora del Planeta | Juntos lo lograremos

Join the Earth Hour challenge | Together we will achieve it

Join the Earth Hour challenge | Together we will achieve it

Investigating how we can do to help the Earth, I discovered that a few months ago what is called Earth Hour was celebrated. A challenge that consists of disconnecting electrical appliances for one hour of the day. It's an interesting idea but... Do you want to know what I thought of? Darwin doesn't know yet either, so keep reading and I'll tell you everything!

What is Earth Hour?

Little by little we have been discovering together different ways in which we can help the Earth. During Christmas, we learned to recycle wrapping paper and spread our message. At Carnival, we design our own costumes and we realized that any resource is useful to us to create something new. And very recently, we learned what microplastics are and how they are damaging our beaches and oceans.

But that's not all, the electricity we use, that is, everything we plug in in our house, also has an effect on the Earth. Which? Well, it means extra effort that exhausts her. Imagine that the planet has a very large battery that can recharge itself, but humans don't give it time because all we do is use its energy non-stop.

So I've been thinking about what we can do about it. It is time for all the people who inhabit the Earth to become aware of the situation, because it is also time for the planet! I'm going to tell Darwin and see what he thinks.

What happens to the Earth

-Hey Darwin, I've been thinking that one of the main problems that affect the environment is that we don't stop using the Earth's resources. It's as if we were learning at school and playing at home all day and we never went to sleep.

- Yes, I understand... Something like that must have happened to my magical flash that has gone out. Perhaps it is the signal from the Earth to tell us that the lights are going out exhausted...

- Clear! That is! Hey Darwin... And do you know what time it is?

- At 10 a.m?

- Not…! It's Earth Hour!

As I told you, the Earth Hour challenge was held a few months ago. However, we don't have to wait for a new year to help our environment rest. Therefore, every day or every week we can celebrate Earth Hour again. You sign up?

How we can celebrate Earth Hour

If we give you an idea, we will also tell you how to carry it out. So to celebrate Earth Hour, what you have to do is very simple. Turn off the lights and unplug the devices you have at home. To understand it better, imagine that you are on the beach or in the mountains, where you don't need to have anything electronic with you. Well, you must simulate the same situation at home.

Our mother and father can help us with this, and this way we will involve the whole family. In addition, they will tell you the things that should not be touched, such as the refrigerator. Of course, during Earth Hour, no one can look at their cell phones, use a computer, television or anything that works with cables.

Do you think you will be capable? With this small action every day, we can reduce energy consumption. Can you imagine how much the Earth would rest if we all did the same? And so that you remember the importance of Earth Hour while you overcome it, you can play with Neala and Darwin stuffed animals . We are a team!


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