Three children's games to play with mom and dad

Playing is the most fun in the world, especially when we do it with those we love very much. At school, in addition to learning new things, we also have fun, but it cannot be compared to the fun outside of school. Therefore, we are going to learn about some children's games that we can put into practice with dad and mom.

The importance of children's games

Children's games are not designed so that only the littlest ones in the house can have fun. Moms and dads can also have a great time with these activities. The purpose is none other than to spend time together doing something that amuses us and makes us laugh.

In addition to being a nice way to spend energy and fill ourselves with vitality, children's games are those simple experiences that will remain in our memory for the rest of our lives. So let's go there. Below we leave you some examples for you to put into practice or adapt to your own tastes.

The big jump

Beds are one of the favorite elements of the house, but not precisely because they allow us to rest at night. A bed can provide us with the best children's games. And you probably already know one of them: jumping. It is also very likely that we are not allowed to do it at home, and that is why we have thought of a great alternative.

The first of our children's games is to create a track to jump. We can use blankets, duvets, old cushions, fabrics... Anything that there is no problem jumping on. The disadvantage of mattresses and pillows is that they become deformed.

Here we have two variants. First, we can line up, gain momentum by running a couple of meters and jump on the blankets to see who can go the furthest. It all depends on the space we have at home. If distance children's games are not the best option, we can leave it to something simpler. Create different levels with the bedding we have and jump on it until we can't anymore. You dare?

Guess what you see

"I spy" is one of the children's games that never go out of style. In addition to being able to put it into practice at home, we can also do it in the car or when we are in the doctor's waiting room. Also, if we have to learn new vocabulary at school, it is a great idea to learn it at home.

You have to remember that they have to be things in sight. And furthermore, we must adapt the level of difficulty to the age of those who participate. And if you get tired of "I spy", we can also adapt the game. Instead of the other person asking, we will gesture to give clues.

Create stories

One of the children's games that we are most passionate about is making up stories and recreating them. To do this you only need imagination and use everything you find at home. The big bed can be a boat or a castle. A piece of cloth can be the sail and some tall object can be a tower. Each person in the family will have their role and they will just have to get into it. Let's have fun!

The children's games that we can put into practice are unlimited. Dare to invent them yourself and have fun in your own way. That's what it's all about!