As time goes! Halloween is approaching again, and as we told you last year, it also coincides with the Castanyada festival ! But this time, from Fun Surprises we have asked Neala and Darwin if they can explain how to make a pumpkin . Go run and find one and we'll start!

What are we going to need to make our pumpkin?

Surely you remember that Halloween is considered the scariest night of the year and that during this celebration boys and girls visit neighboring houses to collect candy. However, this year it is quite likely that we will not be able to do so due to the pandemic. But that doesn't mean we're going to lose all the fun! Neala tells us how to create our own pumpkin so we can celebrate at home .

The difficulty is not great, but we are going to need the help of parents to do it safely. Because? Well, if you have ever seen a pumpkin you will have seen that it is quite hard. And although cooked it becomes very soft and tasty (we are sure you will love it!), it is not useful for Halloween.

What will we need then for our objective today:

- Of course a pumpkin ! The bigger and smoother it is, the easier it will be to make the face, but watch the weight! Also look at the base when purchasing it, since it has to remain standing.

- A black marker

- A knife or something that cuts

- A large spoon with which we will empty the interior

How to make pumpkin

If you already have everything, it's time to get to the pumpkin! The first thing we will have to do is empty it from the inside , so mom or dad will have to cut a slice from the top that allows you to access the interior. When you have it, and with the help of the spoon , remove all the pulp and seeds. But you don't have to throw it away! You can take advantage of it for lunch.

Once it is empty, also clean the outside with water or a cloth and then dry it. This will make it easier for you to draw the eyes, nose and mouth! You can search for images on the Internet that serve as a reference and copy the one you like the most. You will see that some just smile, while others have an expression that is really scary . Do you dare with that challenge?

A trick is to draw first on a piece of paper , and when we have achieved the design we like, we cut out the parts of the face as if it were a mask and put it on the pumpkin. Now you just have to paint the gaps on its surface ! And when you already have it, again dad or mom will have to take care of removing the pieces with the knife or a cutter. And now you have the pumpkin ready to scare whoever you want!

Finally, there are those who insert a candle inside so that it remains completely illuminated. We leave that to your choice, but before taking the step, ask the adults!

We hope you found it helpful and that this Halloween you have the prettiest or scariest pumpkins in the neighborhood. We Nadurines will do ours too!