You have a superpower | Create your carnival costume

We have already learned what the history of the carnival is, as well as some games that we can put into practice to have fun. Now, we want to tell you a little secret that we have discovered, and that is that you have another superpower. You know which one is? Yeah! That of creating your carnival costume!

Why create your carnival costume

At carnival many people dress up, but especially boys and girls. If you've ever done this in previous years, you've probably seen that perhaps your carnival costume wasn't as unique as you would have liked. We always tend to see pirates, cats or police, when the options can be many more.

Creating your carnival costume will not only make it exclusive to you. In addition to this, you can do it completely to your liking and personalized. Both in terms of the colors, the materials with which you make it or the design itself, they will be your own work of art one hundred percent.

And if all this were not enough, making your carnival costume will make you have a very fun time. And it will also allow you to learn values ​​such as perseverance or discipline, since you may not be able to finish your carnival costume in just one day.

And what am I going to dress up as? And how will I do it? These may be the questions you have asked yourself at this moment. Don't worry because we are going to give you some ideas for your carnival costume. No other carnival will be as fun as this one!

How you can make your carnival costume

If you have already decided to create your carnival costume, here we leave you a series of tips that will serve as a guide. But always remember that this is simple guidance. Your creativity has no limits and you can use your superpower to design your carnival costume however you like.

Find your idea

Before starting to create your carnival costume, we will first have to know what it is. Are you already clear? You can choose a profession or animal that you like even if they are common. Thanks to your superpower you can turn it into a totally original outfit.

Recycle the materials

For your carnival costume to be unique, you will have to use materials that are unique. As we are guardians of our planet, we must first resort to clothing or decorations that we already have at home. Maybe an old t-shirt or dress that no longer fits us, scraps that we have at home, cardboard, foam... Don't discard anything ahead of time; everything can have some use.

Sometimes, less is more

Remember that your carnival costume should be, above all, comfortable to wear. Therefore, it is preferable that you use a simple base, for example one of the garments that we mentioned in the previous point. From it, you can dedicate yourself to creating all the decorations that will give the true personality to your costume.

Ask for help

Finally, remember that collaborating or working as a team always gives us much more than sharing. So, whether you are going to design it with your friends, or if you do it as a family, keep in mind that the quickest and most effective thing is for us to help each other. Maybe someone can make you an interesting suggestion that you hadn't thought of. Don't you think?

And that's it for our suggestions for your carnival costume. Now, all the art is yours and in your hands. Deploy your superpower!