Meet the NIL doll!
Meet the NIL doll!
Today is the turn to meet another of the Nadurines. Surely you remember that we already talked about Petra and Malik , so today it's the Nil doll's turn ! Another of the protagonists of this beautiful mission and who will surely become your favorite after meeting him.Meet the Nil doll

Like the rest of the Nadurines, Nil is the son of one of the elements of nature, specifically water . If you have ever sat on the seashore watching the waves, you will have noticed that their movement is cyclical. Except on some occasions when it becomes very energetic, the water gently washes the shore and returns to its origin, tirelessly.
Nil has a similar personality. He has a calm character and enormous patience. And when you set your mind to something or find an activity that you like, you can dedicate all the time in the world to it without interruption. And watching the waves come and go is one of his favorite activities ! When night comes, he also likes to let himself fall asleep with his lullaby . The sea is very relaxing!
Unsurprisingly, his favorite colors are blue and white . But not because of the blue of the sea! Keep in mind that water is colorless, and that the blue we see is due to the reflection of sunlight . Did you know? There are so many things you can learn with this doll!
Her Tori is Marie , a female octopus who is all friendly, and who also enjoys showing affection, especially to Nil. As they are very close, they are both in charge of closing the taps that are open around them , since that is part of their mission. And the Nil doll doesn't want to waste a single drop of water!
Another common activity they share is cooking. Marie loves to eat seaweed of all kinds , and since Nil is very patient, they both spend hours discovering new ways to prepare them. If you want to see how they do it, don't miss this video of Nil in the kitchen !
How to play with the Nil doll

Now that you know what it's like, let's see how to play with the Nil doll . Unlike the rest of the dolls you may have at home, it is a realistic silicone children's doll . This means that it is very soft and very squishy to the touch, making it look more like a real baby.
If you feel like it, they are suitable for the bathroom , although it is never advisable to overuse them so as not to spoil them. You can also comb his hair very carefully and change his clothes . So that you don't miss anything, in our store we have a lot of sets to choose from.
Looking very much like real babies, the Nil doll is excellent for boys and girls to learn to be responsible and get involved in caring for other people. As adults, they will have more empathy and will know how to take care of their obligations.
If you want, you can get the Nil doll only. But if you prefer to take advantage of the opportunity, we also have a special pack that includes Nil and Marie . Let nothing separate you! And to learn more about Nadurines and how to play with them, you can follow us on our Fun Surprises channel !