The Petra doll that you cannot miss at home

After Neala and Darwin arrived on Earth to begin their mission, they realized that they were going to need a lot more help to raise human awareness. Although the Nadurines They focus on boys and girls to connect with adults through them, the number is so high and there are so many things to do, that they found it necessary to have a whole team ! If you have your group of friends, you surely know that doing something with several people is easier than alone.

Petra is, along with Neala, one of the girls of the Nadurines. She is the daughter of Fire and it shows in the color of her skin and hair . The same orange tone that flames have ! Hence, both this and red are his favorite colors. Do you like them too?

His eyes are green, which of course makes us think inevitably of nature . At the end of the day we are connected to it and it shows! And also green are the eyes of his Tory, Edison, but we will talk about him later.

As for her personality, despite being very young she loves to learn new things, and perhaps because she is a daughter of fire, whose flames stay alive for a long time, Petra has energy for a while! She is definitely a girl with spark!
But in addition to learning, there is also time for fun, and Petra loves to spend hours playing and getting her hair done . Yeah! She loves it! So you can brush your Petra doll's hair and do all the hairstyles you want.
Get the Petra doll with her Tori

Little Edison always goes with Petra , and that's why we suggest that instead of separating them, you take them both home. This little dragon with blue skin and green eyes is a faithful follower of the taste of chocolate, and if you have a piece, you can earn his friendship very quickly!
In addition, he carries with him a small satchel that is what allows Petra's powers to be activated. To get it, you just have to make a wish and insert it into it! When she gets them back, you can all start together to take actions that take care of the planet!
Edison is a pleasant cotton and fabric plush that has been handcrafted, while Petra is a doll that comes with a dress with her name on it and a pacifier with a chain. She is still very young and she likes it! But with the chain you will prevent her from getting lost.
The box you will receive with your order is environmentally friendly and no longer contains plastic, but it does have a lot of color and messages so you can reuse it however you like! A closet, a crib or anything else your imagination can think of.
Enjoy the magic of the Nadurines with your Petra doll!