Neala and Darwin know running
Neala and Darwin know running
Our mission to raise awareness about the care of planet Earth takes us to different places, learn about new customs for ourselves and carry out activities that we had not practiced until now. The last of them has been running. Have you practiced it?
How we discovered running
You know that we have come here to spread our message of awareness with the planet. And although it may seem like a very simple task to do, the truth is that we spend a lot of time and energy looking for ideas and developing them.
We usually go out for walks to observe how humans act and how they relate to the environment. This is how we have seen that the beaches and mountains become very dirty when meetings are held. Also, thanks to these outings we discover celebrations as fun as the Christmas or the Carnival .
A couple of weeks ago, while we were walking through the streets of the city, a fairly large group of people was approaching us. We began to get scared because they were getting closer and seemed focused on a goal.
Puzzled, we hid among some bushes, just as animals do to escape their predators. Instead of coming toward us, they continued down the street; everyone is the same direction.
“What is happening Darwin? Where are all these people going?” We weren't very clear about what we could do, but at least we had the peace of mind that they weren't coming for us. “What if we follow them? Maybe something has happened and everyone is going to collaborate.”
So, without giving it too much thought we left our hiding place and, very discreetly, we joined the group. There were very fast men and women who passed us without even noticing our existence. Other people, for our peace of mind, had a calmer pace, and we decided to stay close to them so as not to get separated from the group. But where were they taking us?
A goal at the end of the road
We were running for we don't know how long, but in the end we reached the destination. We found a finish line and many signs that made reference to running. “Running? What is running?”
And that's how we discovered this interesting activity that many people practice, running. And that day was celebrated in a special way for sports day. What a thrill to see so many people united for the same cause! Can you imagine if everyone had the same rush to help the planet? That's what we want to achieve!
Running has many benefits for our body. In addition to getting in shape, we It helps develop our lung capacity . Although it may be monotonous, the truth is that we have felt very satisfied when we have reached the goal. Have you ever practiced running?
We want to take advantage of this event that we have experienced to convince ourselves that it is possible to move humans towards a good cause. We only have this planet, and if we don't take care of it, we will be left without a place to live. Therefore, in addition to encouraging you to practice running, we invite you to continue with our work of caring for the Earth and spreading the message. Together we will achieve it!