Types of reborn babies

Reborn babies are made by hand and look very similar to real ones . The degree of realism varies from one to another, and for them to really fall into this category, a large part of the work must be handmade. That is, if machines are used or it is a large-scale production, we would stop considering them as such.
As for the materials, they are made of silicone or vinyl . The way they are worked and cared for differs a little from each other, but the finish is just as realistic in its appearance, weight and size.
The base with which an original reborn baby is made is a sculpture , which can be created from real photos and videos, with imagination or with 3D molds that incorporate the first ones from different angles. In the latter case, technology replaces the work of the sculptor. Did you know that those who make these dolls are almost entirely women ? It's important to support their work!

From the sculpture it is passed to a mold that is filled with the chosen material . This is where the kits come from, which we already mentioned when we talked about how reborn babies are born . Reborners or artists buy them and start their own creative process to give them the realistic look . This one doesn't come with the mold!
Nowadays, unfortunately, there are companies that are dedicated to copying these kits and keep the name of the artist. They sell them for a much lower price , but you would not be getting the original product. It is essential that you request the certificate of authenticity , with the name of the sculptor, the serial number and the date of creation.
Why fakes appear
If you are here reading, it is very likely that you have searched for reborn babies on the Internet, so you know that they are not cheap. The average price of vinyl is around €600 . The silicone ones, which are more expensive, between €200 and €800 for the small size and the standard ones between €1,500 and €4,000 .
An alternative that we at Fun Surprises recommend for very young boys and girls who could damage these works of art are those created by some factories . Although they are an imitation of the previous ones, the materials are of quality and have passed a control process. Here the price is reduced on average to around €200 and €600, respectively.

However, they are still not affordable for many pockets, and that is why there are companies that import low-quality copies from China and sell them as an original reborn baby. And how do you identify them?
First of all, the photos on their websites (which even pay to advertise on Google) usually come from other pages, including Fun Surprises. That is, they are stolen because they do not have the rights . If they are yours, the appearance of the dolls is sometimes far from an endearing image. Secondly, the price is usually less than €100.