When and why can a reborn baby be used as therapy?

The fact that in childhood we play with dolls does not respond to an innate need or an instinct that comes from the factory. It is a simple imitation of the behavior of adults , which is why so many boys and girls want to play with makeup or high-heeled shoes. It's a simple game.
However, in the case of caring for dolls, they not only improve hand movement and control, which will later help them dress themselves or comb their hair, but also contributes to awakening responsibility for the well-being of the dolls. others, as well as their care . Whether they are boys or girls.
In the case of adults, in a TFG from the University of Seville , a study was carried out that gave visibility to a new benefit of the reborn baby . Apparently, it contributes to the reduction of anxiety and distress in people suffering from Alzheimer's . The fact of caressing and feeling contact with a real-looking baby gave them peace of mind.
Secondly, the reborn baby can be used as a complement to psychological therapy in the event of the loss of a very young one . However, it should only be carried out under the supervision of professionals and in specific cases.
Precautions when using a reborn baby as therapy

We want to emphasize this last point, since, although a reborn baby can be used as a support tool in an acceptance process, it can also be counterproductive if it is not accompanied by proper psychological therapy.
If as an adult you enjoy collecting dolls and are passionate about the craftsmanship behind a reborn baby, there is nothing wrong with purchasing them . But when you are going through grief or there are emotional shortcomings, a doll can never replace the psychological support offered by a qualified person, such as psychologists and psychiatrists.
When there are problems conceiving, spontaneous abortions, the loss of a baby or empty nest syndrome , which is the absence that parents experience when their sons and daughters become independent, the reborn baby can be used as a substitute that avoids facing the loss. and to pain.
However, although painful, emptiness and sadness are emotions that must be experienced in order to face reality and thus grieve correctly and recover emotional stability. When they are ignored or attempted to be alleviated through the doll, we are faced with a condition that requires psychological help.
At Fun Surprises we work with some national brands that make reborn babies and we also have our own designs. You can check them all in our online store .