Outdoor activities with children
bite the apple
You can customize this game with the food you most want, but instead of putting donuts or cookies, we preferred to opt for something healthier , like apple. And why this fruit and not another? Well, because it has enough consistency to support its weight when we hang it. But we go in parts.To play you will have to find a low tree branch and hang several ropes from it , and at the end of each one, a piece of apple will be attached. If you can't find it, you can choose to have the little ones ride on the backs of the older ones. What it is about is biting the apple with your mouth to tear it off the string. And if you're wondering how to hang a piece of apple, it's very simple! Cut it into slices that are neither too thin nor too wide, and make a hole in the center. Ready!
Twister is a game that has been part of the childhood of several generations. In case you don't know it, it consists of 24 circles of four colors , that is, there are six green, six blue, six red and six yellow. In turns, you have to place your hands and feet in the color indicated. If you have it at home, you just have to put it in the garden, and if not, you can make it by painting an old sheet. And for roulette, you can also put the hands and feet with the colors on a sheet of paper and rotate a pen over them to see what is selected.Sack races
This is another classic in outdoor activities with children. You just have to find some sacks of potatoes, draw a starting line and a finishing line and start the race . It's not about speed, but about being skillful!Three-legged races
This time the race is by teams. Two boys or girls who are of similar height will pair up next to each other. And with some rope or equivalent , the leg closest to them will be held . That is, the right of one will be subject to the left of the other. In this way, when they walk they will have to coordinate to move that new leg at the same time and be able to win the race.Blind makeup
Surely more than once when you've gone for a walk to the park you've come back with a butterfly or a flower drawn on your face . Now you can practice your skills and draw them yourself ! If you go on a picnic with the family, take advantage and bring some colorful paints. You can paint each other looking at each other or also blindfolded. But no crazy painting! It's about seeing who gets the most successful drawing.And here you have five outdoor activities with children to enjoy this season as a family.

Until next time!